Leverage Points

Design and Social Impact: A Cross-Sectoral Agenda for Design Education, Research, and Practice

This text summaries findings of the Social Impact Design Summit, held in New York on February 27, 2012. The event brought together participants from nonprofit and for-profit organizations, academic programs, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. They represented several design disciplines: product design, graphic design, urban design, and architecture. The goal was to explore the state of an emerging design field known as “socially responsible design” or “social impact design” (8). The summit proceedings offer a snapshot of the state of the art in 2012, when this field was emerging. They outline challenges to developing impactful new forms of design, and these learnings may be transferrable to other emerging areas of design theory, like transition design. This text includes testimony and case studies from designers working in the Global South, and it identified how cultural biases can limit the emergence of new knowledge.

Smithsonian Institution Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, and National Endowment for the Arts. 2013. “Design and Social Impact: A Cross-Sectoral Agenda for Design Education, Research, and Practice.” http://tinyurl.com/3r8ppy9m.

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Cameron Tonkinwise, Transition Design, Konstfack 2014

Cameron Tonkinwise, Director of Design at Carnegie Mellon, outlines the evolution of design from the Bauhaus era to the present, exploring how designers have been variously defined as form-givers, designers-in-service, and now as change agents. As the enablers of mass production, and therefore mass consumption, designers are the originators of the central problem of our time: the excesses of material proliferation and waste. The only way to solve the problem at the root of their very discipline is to change it from within. Movements in design, like participatory design, digital interaction design, and service design have shifted the discipline towards a human-centred activity rather than an object-oriented approach. Tonkinwise sees value in these movements and identifies an important shift from the designer as the solver of a given problem to a definer of problems themselves. Tonkinwise embraces Ezio Manzini’s theories as a critical “redesign of design”. Manzini argues that designers should lend their service design skills to laypeople embedded within the problem contexts they face. The designer makes solutions drawn from the grassroots easier and more sustainable and then spreads this good idea to the wider society. For Tonkinwise, design now occurs in support of change-making through the spectrum of service design, design for social innovation, and transition design. Designers make futures by adding things to the present that create futures, and new things create new habits and new practices: herein lies the problem and the hope for design.  

Konstfack, ID. “Cameron Tonkinwise, Transition Design, Konstfack 2014.” Vimeo, February 26, 2024. https://vimeo.com/113233445.

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Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System

In this paper, Meadows defines leverage points as “...places within a complex system ​(a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything” (1) Similar to Thinking in systems: A primer, this paper reviews the basic tenets of systems by explaining parameters, stocks, delays, flows, feedback loops, etc. Meadows then posits twelve ways to intervene in a system in order of effectiveness. Each of the twelve interventions are fully articulated and their level of effectiveness explained. While the list is tentative, and Meadows qualifies it by stating that each system is unique and that there are exceptions, this paper lays the groundwork for systems intervention and for the reader to understand different avenues for affecting change. 

Meadows, Donella H. 1999. Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System. Sustainability Institute.

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Craft as Leverage for Sustainable Design Transformation: A Theoretical Foundation 

According to the authors, the values represented by craft practices can offer new perspectives to present-day institutions, providing opportunities for changes in “mindset and posture” that are essential to the transition to a sustainable future. Craft practices can be considered ecological when they use renewable local materials and when the longer lifespan of the crafted object encourages a lower rate of consumption, and if they use locally appropriate technologies that minimize extraction and waste (486). Additionally, craft practices are often sensitive to regional ecology and human relations. This makes craft objects exemplars of “place-based” or ecologically grounded knowledge. Craft practices stand in contrast to mass production: value is placed on materials, place, process, and the attunement of the maker to the object. In this way, craft practices can be viewed as a philosophical or spiritual approach to material use that prioritizes a set of “authentic” values, ie. that individual places, people, and objects matter, and that beings and objects are not merely fungible (489). Finally, craft practices require both tacit knowledge and critical reflection (487). The practitioner uses multiple forms of intelligence while referencing place, memory, and culture, and this kind of integrative practice could be taken as a model for environmentally and culturally sustainable ways of transmitting knowledge. The authors draw connections between their concepts of craft and sustainability to a wide range of concepts from sustainable design and transition design theory, including green design, cradle to cradle, biomimicry, systems design, permaculture, eco-effectiveness, and cosmopolitan localism.
Zhan, Xiaofang, and Stuart Walker. 2019. "Craft as Leverage for Sustainable Design Transformation: A Theoretical Foundation." The Design Journal 22 (4): 483-503. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2019.1613040.

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