Laura Hambleton

Laura is a hide-tanner, a leatherworker, and the face behind Skunks n’ Roses, a whimsical and nature loving micro-tannery, specializing in leathercraft. Laura works and plays between her home studio in Dartmouth, and forest studio-camp in Dingwall, Unama’ki, drawing inspiration from local habitats, wildlife, critters, and all things soft and tactile.
The majority of Laura’s leatherwork incorporates animal and plant fibres, and consists of naturally hand-tanned materials, foraged and gleaned from the local community and environment. She collects bark from fallen trees to make leather, gleaning deer hides from hunters who otherwise leave the skins in the forest. She gathers local wild animals via road kill, agricultural animals from Nova Scotian farms and abattoirs, and fish skins from a sushi restaurant in Dartmouth, tanning her own fish leather.
Laura is thankful to her many generous and thoughtful teachers who have shared their skills and experience.
︎︎ Skunks n’ Roses Website
Laura’s previous work